Fitness and health can be very confusing! Let's face it there are a million stories that are put out in the media and he said she said. Some you can trust and others may be suspect. I have been in fitness my whole life (which will be 37 tomorrow)! I played sports from the time I could run to today. I have been a fitness professional for 15 years. My rule is investigate everything...learn as much as you can...filter that and learn more. That is what this "BLOG" is about all of us learning and becoming healthier happy people. I will introduce a topic for discussion. It could be reinforcing principles that I teach or it could be a topic that I have been asked about. It could be about human nature and the funny things that life has to offer. I believe that you surround yourself with people who make you healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Bottom line the topics will be somewhat open....Should be fun!