Fitness Training for Tennis

Fitness training for tennis is a broad, encompassing subject. There are varying approaches on how best to be prepared to excel in the sport. In essence, however, the different regimes focus on the same required elements: coordination, speed, agility, reactions, endurance, flexibility and strength. Practice does make for perfect There is also one other common aspect - practice. A tennis player will not get anywhere without practicing. Fitness training for tennis must combine physical training with practice drills. Only when a balance between these two aspects is achieved, can a tennis player feel prepared to face another player on the court. Today, tennis is a fast-paced game, stressful to the body and mind. It is a sport requiring a fitness regime capable of reducing these elements. Smart fitness training for tennis will approach the variables in a balanced manner. An intelligent and concerned trainer will consider what is best for you and your physical condition. The routine will then be designed to match not contradict what will be best for you. What do you need to know? What are the basic requirements? The list is quite long. Strength training, so you can lob the ball with force, repetition for conditioning and endurance – you must be able to go the distance; flexibility to handle the bends and twists your body has to make; and don’t ignore your lungs and heart. They need a good aerobic workout to increase endurance. Current wisdom says combining aerobics and a sprinting element will help you in this segment. Do not forget to maintain a balance of sorts. Back muscles and arm and chest muscles both need strengthening. If one muscle system is stronger than the other is, problems will emerge, including strain or injury from over compensation. Do not just work the target muscles. Work their opposing muscles. For example, while doing a leg extension for your front thigh or quadriceps muscles, do a leg curl exercise for the rear thigh muscles or hamstrings. Core muscle training is one approach taken in fitness training for tennis. This system involves strengthening your core muscles. Core muscle training will help you develop an athletic back, decrease the risk of injury, increase your muscle power and agility and enhance your balance and posture. If you decide to follow this particular regime, it is best to adopt a functional approach. Functional fitness training for tennis would include core muscle training, but the emphasis would be on those muscles particular for tennis. A tennis specific method will ensure you are prepared for tennis, not some other sport. You would strengthen those core muscles and other applicable components in relation to how they can be made to serve you on the tennis courts. In developing fitness training for tennis, be prepared to create a system that addresses all your needs. Include core muscle training, weight lifting and aerobics. Perhaps, fit it into an integrated circuit system of training. Whatever system you use, however, be sure it is sport specific. It must address the core requirements of tennis not those of any other sport. If you follow this particular application, you stand a good chance of becoming better on the courts.

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