Diet Soda Dangers Revealed
Scottsdale Golf Fitness Trainers uncovered another good reason why you should steer clear of diet soda. Recent findings presented at the American Stroke Association's 2011 International Stroke Conference concluded that diet soda can significantly increase your risk for stroke, heart attack and vascular death. [1]
The findings were based on the Northern Manhattan Study, which looked at more than 2,500 people across various ethnic groups to discover specific stroke risk factors. As you might guess, diet soda tops the list.
In fact, those who reported drinking diet soda had a 61% higher chance of experiencing a vascular event (stroke, heart attack) than those who didn't. This still held true even after the researchers accounted for other risk factors like metabolic syndrome, cardiac disease history and peripheral vascular disease.
While this is the first study that links diet soda to stroke and other vascular events, plenty of other studies show that drinking one or more cans a day can have negative effects on your health. Scottsdale Golf Fitness Trainers found one study published in the journal Circulation that followed men and women for nine years and tracked their diets.
They found that drinking just one can of diet soda increases your risk of developing metabolic syndrome (which includes abdominal fat, high-blood pressure and high-blood sugar) by 10 percent more than eating a diet high in fried foods without the soda. [2] Those that drank diet soda also had a 34% higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome than those who didn't.
In another study Scottsdale Golf Fitness Trainers discovered, conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, researchers followed 474 older adults for 9.5 years. They measured their height, weight and waist-size, and had all participants report their diet soda intake every time they were measured throughout the length of the study.
Every participant's waistline expanded as the study continued. After the study, those that reported drinking diet soda had 70% greater increases in their waistlines than the non-drinkers. Those that reported drinking two or more cans of diet soda a day experienced 500% more waistline growth than non-drinkers. [3]
Researchers still don't know if it's something in the diet soda that causes these negative health effects or if it's a behavior, where people who drink diet soda think they can eat more since they're saving calories in what they're drinking. Regardless, Scottsdale Golf Fitness Trainers suggest staying clear of diet soda, especially with the finding that it equals greater stroke and vascular event risk.
Ideally, drink water most of the time. If the thought of drinking just water bores you, try drinking tea. Adding flavor to your water like lemon or crushed mint leaves makes it taste good and offers a little variety. Another way to flavor your water is with Stevia, an all-natural, zero-calorie sweetener. Mix it with lemon juice fora refreshing zero-calorie lemonade.
Read more health and fitness articles by Scottsdale Golf Fitness Trainers here.
1. American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference. Abstract # P55. News conference February 9, 2011.
2.Lutsey P, Steffen L, Stevens J,"Dietary Intake and the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome:The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study" Circulation. 2008;117:754-761