Workout 2 Month 1

Warm up 20 Squat raises 20 low to high chops right and left 20 reverse lunge rotation 20 inch worms 20 world's greatest stretch 20 frankenstein 400 meter jog 100 jump rope Workout 40 curtesy lunges 40 jump jacks 20 lateral raises 20 squat press 40 skaters 20 front raises 20 tri extension 40 squat jacks High knee skips 3x 50 yds both ways min rest 40 single leg dead lift 20 rows on one leg 40 switch squats 20 swims 40 heisman 20 curls in a squat triceps on patella 15 triangle pose Suicide 3x min to two rest 45 sec Hand plank knee INS Side plank rotations Bicycles Leg raises Sit ups.

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