Tennis Fitness Drills

To make gains in tennis, players attack their training in a series of tennis fitness drills. Depending upon their characteristic and intent, these can be performed on the tennis court, in the gym or at home. The wide variety of options allows players to practice and improve in different venues. Various books describe different methods to improve your game. They all mention fitness drills. Their focus, however, can be very different. Some concentrate on the factors of speed or agility, strength or power; others concentrate on footwork, endurance or flexibility. There are also articles written on conditioning and hitting. What drills can help you with Tennis fitness drills cover such topics as increasing the power of your serve. The answer to that, according to one expert, is to increase muscle strength and endurance, conditioning it to last longer, serve harder. By concentrating on drills designed specifically to increase the power and strength in your legs you will be able to transfer it to your racquet, blasting the ball. It seems it is all in the bounce. There are tennis fitness drills that focus on repetitive training. These drills are intended to help specific aspects of your game. Many are play drills. You either use a ball lobbying machine or a partner to volley against. Volley drills can be designed to practice depth playing or overhead shots. They can be performed with one person, as part of a couple or, in some instances, competitive play drills can be composed of teams of five or more. But why oh why? Why play volley drills? Continual practice helps you improve your skills at the net. Not everyone is a good, let alone great volleyer. You may not be born with rapid reactions, sharp eyes, precise hands, supple legs, and great anticipation skills, but practicing tennis fitness drills can help you become more adept at lobbing the ball over the net. Even the most basic volley drill helps you cultivate such integral instincts as instant reactions, versatile footwork, and control. Learning and/or enhancing control, you should not restrict your drills to the physical components. Developing the mental aspects of the game is also a must. Focus on body and mind relaxation. Concentrate on your breathing as you hit and receive the ball. Develop a mental toughness while learning to relax. If you don’t practise these aspects, you may not only be unprepared to compete but also open to injury. Whatever your approach, remember, tennis fitness drills demand time, energy and your complete effort. You have to work hard if you want to improve your game – take it up a notch. If you can’t make it to a court, integrate drills that are more easily accessed. Jogging will help you increase leg strength and build up endurance. But don’t just jog. Combine your jogging with step work aimed at improving your moves on court. This foot work should combine a whole range of movement from backward jogging to side stepping and kicking. Try jumping drills. Jump rope, skip and do double Dutch. All these routines will help you become more agile, provide leg conditioning and build up strength in your lower body. Do not forget, tennis fitness drills extend to post season as well as pregame warm-up drills. Before any game you should always warm up. Focus on the muscles you will actually use during the game. Walk, jog, and stretch for several moments. This will help you to be prepared for the game.

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