INSANITY™ Classes Get Insane Results

CAUTION! Your Favorite Workout Now Taught Here.

Get Insanely Shredded With New INSANITY™ Extreme Fitness Classes!

the-deluxe-insanity-workout_2You've seen it on TV, now experience it for yourself because the Scottsdale Personal Trainers at Method Athlete have launched the revolutionary, cardio-based, total body-conditioning program! This calorie-torching, shirt-soaking workout is based on the principles of Max Interval Training. It is designed to provide you a safe, challenging and results-driven workout with no equipment necessary. With INSANITY™, you use your body to create the best body you can get. Plyometric drills with non-stop intervals of strength, power, resistance and core training moves can only be described by one word - INSANITY™.

Wednesdays at 12:00-12:50pm

Led by Method Athlete Trainer Patty Wilson

Try Your First INSANITY™ Class for FREE!

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insanity-workout-scheduleMax Interval Training keeps your body working at maximum capacity through your entire workout. You work out in 3-5 minute blocks and take breaks only long enough to gulp some air and get right back to work. You keep pushing your limits - so your body has to adapt. You’ll be dripping in sweat. You’ll be gasping for breath. Your heart will be pumping out of your chest. And you’ll wonder if you can keep going. You will. And your body will lean out so fast you’ll be begging for more. Each week you’ll get better - and do more. Get ready to get in the best shape of your life. Are you up for the challenge? [caption id="attachment_1509" align="alignright" width="159"]Patty Wilson Insanity Patty Wilson[/caption] Scottsdale Personal Trainer Patty Wilson is an AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) and INSANITY™ certified fitness expert who inspires her clients both in and out of the gym. With almost 20 years of fitness industry expertise, she is a role model and mentor to both men and women who are in search of inner strength through the power of health and fitness. When it comes to reshaping bodies, Patty knows how to turn goals into reality.

*Prices valid and packages redeemable for both INSANITY™ and Power Interval Training Classes. If you want an insane body, it's time to do something crazy! Click HERE to register for INSANITY™ Classes. Click HERE for more information from the Scottsdale Personal Trainers at Method Athlete.

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