Your Week - Rev It Up With Sprints

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Rev things up this week by adding some sprint training to your workouts. On a treadmill or outside, it's a great way to gain endurance and speed.  Have a GREAT week!!!!!

Cardio-Sprint Pyramid

This adds sprint interval training for a fast and fun workout. Here, after each burst of hard work, you'll recover for the same amount of time. How to do it: 
  • Warm up for 15 minutes, adding a few 20-second bursts at the end to prepare for the workout.
  • Run, bike, or row: During the work periods, you should have a rate of perceived exertion (RPE of 8 to 10, followed by 30 seconds of active recovery.

Build and taper the workout like this:

30 seconds sprint/30 seconds recover 1 minute sprint/1 minute recover 2 minutes sprint/2 minutes recover 4 minutes sprint/4 minutes recover 2 minutes sprint/2 minutes recover 1 minute sprint/1 minute recover 30 seconds sprint/30 seconds recover
  • Finish with a 10-minute cooldown.
Bonus benefit: This major calorie-burning interval training plan gives you the best of both worlds—high-octane cardio and muscle-sculpting sprints.

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